When Perfume starts, the setting, 17th c. Paris, is so naturalistically presented that it seems ten times filthier than an Indian railway station. Tom Tykwer does not make concessions to portray a natal fish market as merely more welcoming than a coffin…
Author: Samuel Buchoul
Contrary to its later forms, ancient art used to be generally symbolic in nature. This particularity, found across the arts of various religions in the world, including in India, comes from various roots. It used to be common that a great historical figure would not accept to be depicted in a human form in artistic creations…
The original texts of Buddhism are usually divided into two great traditions, each with its proper language. Canons of the early Hīnayāna Buddhism are gathered in the Buddhist hypothetical original language called Pāli…
Monks, whether or not there is the arising of Tathagatas, this property stands — this steadfastness of the Dhamma, this orderliness of the Dhamma: All processes are inconstant (anicca)…
The Sarvastivāda is one of the ancient schools of Hinayana Buddhism. The term Sarvastivāda is composed of three words: sarva (all), asti (exist) and vada (discussion, talk). Therefore, Sarvastivāda is the theory that holds that everything exists, in the present but also in the past and the future…
Paris, Hôtel Chevalier. Jack (Jason Schwartzman), élégant, la trentaine, le regard dans le vide. Un coup de fil imprévu, et son ex-copine, interprétée par une attirante Natalie Portman aux cheveux courts, rentre en scène. Quelques mots, un peu de malaise, et la nature reprend ses droits. « Si je couche avec toi, je me sentirais comme une merde demain matin », dit-elle. « Ca me va », répond Jack…